
ATTENTION: OpenSSH must be version 6.2 or higher

1. Download one of the binaries for your system:

THEO_AGENT_LATEST=$(curl -L -s -H 'Accept: application/json' |sed -e 's/.*"tag_name":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')
sudo curl -L -o /usr/sbin/theo-agent \${THEO_AGENT_LATEST}/theo-agent-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)

2. Make it executable

sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/theo-agent

3. Create a Theo Agent user:

sudo useradd \
    --comment 'Theo Agent' \
    --shell /bin/false \
    --system \

4. Install

4.1. Full Automatic install


This command will:

  • disable tunneled clear text passwords (no more user/password login!) [1]
  • disable users’ .ssh/authorized_keys
  • set theo-agent as unique source for authorized_keys

We suggest to keep an open session until you’re sure everything works as expected

sudo theo-agent -install \
    -no-interactive \
    -sshd-config \
    -url ${THEO_URL} \
    -token ${THEO_CLIENT_TOKEN}

[1] You can leave your PasswordAuthentication option unchanged adding the -with-password-authentication flag

4.2. Semi-Automatic install

sudo theo-agent -install \
    -no-interactive \
    -url ${THEO_URL} \
    -token ${THEO_CLIENT_TOKEN}

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config as suggested

4.3. Semi-manual install

sudo theo-agent -install

Answer to the questions and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config as suggested

4.4. Manual install

ATTENTION: with OpenSSH older than 6.9 jump to section 4.5

Create a config.yml file (default is /etc/theo-agent/config.yml):


Create a cache directory (default is /var/cache/theo-agent):

mkdir /var/cache/theo-agent
chmod 755 /var/cache/theo-agent
chown theo-agent /var/cache/theo-agent

Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config (if you changed the default path, add the options to the command)

PasswordAuthentication no
AuthorizedKeysFile /var/cache/theo-agent/%u
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/sbin/theo-agent [-config-file /path/to/config.yml] [-cache-path /path/to/cache/dir] %u
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser theo-agent

4.5. Manual install with OpenSSH older than 6.9

OpenSSH older than 6.9 does not support passing arguments to the command set with AuthorizedKeysCommand, you must use the default values:

Create a config.yml file in /etc/theo-agent/config.yml:

cachedir: /var/cache/theo-agent

Create a cache directory /var/cache/theo-agent:

mkdir /var/cache/theo-agent
chmod 755 /var/cache/theo-agent
chown theo-agent /var/cache/theo-agent

Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PasswordAuthentication no
AuthorizedKeysFile /var/cache/theo-agent/%u
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/sbin/theo-agent
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser theo-agent

5. Restart openssh

sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

6. SELinux

If you’re on a system with SELinux enabled (You can check it with: getenforce), you must switch sshd to permissive mode:

sudo semanage permissive -a sshd_t


1. Installation

You can pass these arguments with -install

-no-interactive It will use the value read from the arguments or it will use defaults
-config-file /path/to/config-file.yaml It will use this path as config file
-user <value> It will use <value> for executing theo-agent (default theo-agent)
-verify It will set “verify: True” in configuration file
-public-key /path/to/public.key It will add the path to the public key in configuration file
-cache-path /path/to/cache/dir It will add the path to the cache directory in configuration file
-sshd-config It will update sshd_config for you
-sshd-config-path /path/to/sshd_config It will change this file if -sshd-config (default /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
-sshd-config-backup It will make a copy of your sshd_config
-with-password-authentication if -sshd-config, it will not change PasswordAuthentication value in sshd_config
-with-use-dns if -sshd-config, it will set UseDNS to true in sshd_config This is needed if you will use hostnames/FQDN in ‘from’ authorized_keys options
-hostname-prefix <value> It will set “hostname-prefix: <value>” in configuration file. The value will be prepend to hostname when querying theo server
-hostname-suffix <value> It will set “hostname-suffix: <value>” in configuration file. The value will be append to hostname when querying theo server

2. Execution

theo-agent will accept these arguments (you can add them in sshd_config only if you have OpenSSH equal or greater than 6.9)

-config-file /path/to/config-file.yaml It will use this path as config file
-verify It will verify SSH public key signatures
-public-key /path/to/public.key It will use this the public key to verify signatures
-cache-path /path/to/cache/dir It will use this path as cache directory
-hostname-prefix <value> The value will be prepend to hostname when querying theo server
-hostname-suffix <value> The value will be append to hostname when querying theo server
-fingerprint <value> It will send the value of SSH key fingerprint to the server You need to configure it in sshd_config in this way: AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/sbin/theo-agent -fingerprint %f %u


Full configuration example

token: 132411349981792jkwqhqlwer4132345234
verify: True
public_key: /etc/theo-agent/public.pem
cachedir: /var/cache/theo-agent
hostname-prefix: dovm-
hostname-suffix: -test
timeout: 3000